
Mannequin Style in Vancouver

A window full of "mannequins" at My Sister's Closet in Vancouver.

Rockin’ it mannequin style at My Sister’s Closet in Vancouver with my posse: Mel of Bag and a Beret, Patti from Not Dead Yet Style, Suzanne Carillo, and Sue from A Colourful Canvas. 👭👭👭 Thanks to Sam at My Sister’s Closet for the photo, the fun shopping, and the delightful goodies we found in your shop!!! Can’t wait for next time.

My Sister's Closet window in Vancouver, BC.
Photo by Sam from My Sister’s Closet.

Posted by Intagrate Lite

About Author

Freelance writer about food and fashion. Obsessed genealogist and history nerd. New to sewing. Love all dogs and one hubby. Seattle

(3) Comments

  1. You must have been getting quite a bit of attention from the other shoppers 😉 The Fab Five! xxx

    1. It was pretty funny. Several people walked by and waved. I think Mel said she saw someone stop and take a photo. My hubby noticed Suzanne and I were the only ones not in red!

  2. Marilee J. Gramith says:

    YO! It’s the fab five, getting on their thrift shopping groove!!!

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