
Seattle’s Snowmaggedon!

Snow in Seattle at the Space Needle.

Beautiful Seattle snow shots by Hubby. #nofilter #seattlesnowpocalypse #seattlesnow
From the Instagram Files

International Fountain at Seattle Center surrounded by snow.

International Fountain at Seattle Center surrounded by snow.Posted by Intagrate Lite

About Author

Freelance writer about food and fashion. Obsessed genealogist and history nerd. New to sewing. Love all dogs and one hubby. Seattle

(4) Comments

  1. We haven’t had so much snow in Belgium this Winter (yet). How fun. I’m sorry you’re having to miss it all 😉 xxx

    1. Thank you, Ann! I hope you get as much or as little snow as you like. 💕

  2. Marilee J. Gramith says:

    It feels hopeful when children are so charmed by snowfall. How many inches did you get?

    1. According to the experts, Seattle got a record 14 inches and it was still falling on Monday! I’m in Arizona now, so I’m not getting to enjoy any of the good wintery fun, but you can bet I’m living vicariously through everyone else!


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