Showing 31 Result(s)

Dressing Like a Seattleite By Way of Portland

Now that you’ve seen how we do pinstripes in Seattle (here, here, and here), take a look at how we do another menswear style: the shirttail hem. The Solo Pleat Tunic Dress by Lizz Basinger of Portland is another great find from Sassafras. It may have the hem of a men’s dress shirt but it is made of sweater knit …


Extending Summer Into Fall with a Twiggy Dress

Now that we’ve turned the clocks back, the sun sets around 4:30 in Seattle. From where I sit, the bottom of the sky is pink, the water and overhead sky are steel, and the hill rising up from the Alki Peninsula sparkles with lights of people living past dark. Here in Seattle, early darkness generally means chilly evenings. To …


Fab Collab: Celebrating Summer in a Sundress at 40-Plus

Hey, all you beautiful people! Jodie, Nancy, and Charlotte from are back this week to join me for our second Fab Collab! This time, we’re featuring that summer staple, the sundress. If you were in on our first Fab Collab, you know that each of us represent a different decade in life. I’m in …


Leaping into Feminine Fashion with a Rebellious Spirit

Lessons of Feminine Fashion from Truman Capote Did you ever read the book Breakfast at Tiffany’s? Maybe you saw the movie? They were two very different presentations of the world Truman Capote created, but they both had a very feminine rebel at their core in the form of Holly Golightly. As I work through this month of …


Breton Stripes Kick Off “April in Paris” Month

Nothing says Spring like a Breton top. Each year, this long-sleeved striped shirt returns to clothing stores and catalogs as faithfully as pink blossoms pop out of the tips of tree branches. The design of it is somehow linked deep down in our minds to Spring. Because it’s such an iconic piece for the season, I’ve chosen it to begin this …

Coco Chanel's original Little Black Dress next to a modern, casual version.

Going Casual in a Chanel-Inspired Little Black Dress

“Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.” ~ Coco Chanel Coco Chanel was one of the first designers to bring sportswear into everyday wear. She saw the necessity (and luxury) in comfort. One of the many values of making comfort a priority was the freedom it gave women to move like normal people. …